We welcome you as a new member of our new And We Know “Fellowship” Program.
You have joined an exclusive group of patriotic, loyal, And We Know advocates and can now enjoy a suite of benefits in addition to helping us make a difference in this world as part of our mission to spread Truth, Hope, Faith, and Freedom throughout the earth.
TRUTH. To celebrate truth in all its forms, especially as it aligns with the Bible
HOPE. To revive hope in the hearts and minds of many who have all but lost it.
FAITH. To see faith in Christ flourish amidst the darkness of this world.
FREEDOM. The restore the “heartbeat” of what makes America great! One Nation Under God!
Please encourage others who also have a similar passion for And We Know, and seek to join us to impact the world for good!
As part of your AWK Fellow membership, you have the opportunity to be included in our Fellowship photo album on the And We Know website. Just email your photo to: fellow@andweknow.com. Images will be displayed online in approximately 2-3 weeks after the photo has been emailed.
In addition, provided below is a “Fellow Member” 10% discount code to be used on all AWK merchandise purchases and other member benefits. You must use this code in conjunction with the email address used to purchase your fellow membership. This code is not shareable.
You can expect to receive your new Fellow Membership packet in 2-3 weeks, and we are eternally grateful for your support and prayers!
Affectionately, Your Host,
And We Know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.— Romans 8:28 (KJV)